We learned about how we are all so special and unique. We loved painting our self- portraits! We have so much fun painting!
Autumn We learned so much about autumn. We went on an autumn 'senses' walk where we used our senses to smell, see, listen and touch nature that is all around us. We also gathered leaves to create our autumn scenes. We created out trees using paint and the real leaves that we had collected. We used crayons to do leaf rubbings to reveal the lovely patterns on the leaves. We then dried and crushed the leaves to help create spikes on our hedgehogs.
We had so much fun on our Halloween Parade.
During November, we have been learning a lot about weather forecasts and climates. We created our own umbrella art - colouring, cutting, using cotton wool to create clouds and using cotton buds to create rain.We love how our art brightens up the school corridor!