The children had a fantastic day at the farm. We sang songs on the bus. They went bog jumping. They all managed to complete the obstacle course. They rolled down hills, fed animals and had races. It was "the best day ever!"
Maths Trail
The children learned about 2-D shapes in maths and then went on a maths trail in the school grounds. They found squares, circles, triangles and rectangles in the environment. They even found some semi-circles!
The Writing Workshop
Every Friday, the children write their own story. They choose a character, a setting and a plot and use their imagination to create fantastic stories! At the beginning of the year, it was very tricky but the children now love doing "The Writing Workshop" and have blossomed into amazing authors.
Christmas Breakfast
The children wore their Christmas jumpers for the annual Christmas Breakfast. Parents volunteered their time to host the breakfast and made it a special morning.
Art - construction
The boys and girls looked at pictures of modern and bizarre houses and were given paper, card, sellotape, glue and scissors and used their imagination to create masterpieces! They have a bright future in design....
The classroom was filled with Elsas, ghosts, zombies, fairies, witches, skeletons, Buzz Lightyear, Minions and many more brilliant characters!
The children played Halloween games. They worked in teams to "Dress the Zombie".
Then they played other more traditional Halloween games....