We are learning all about weather in first class. We became weather forecasters and we forecasted the weather for different parts of Ireland. We even remembered to remind the audience of what type of clothes to wear outside!
Our Self Portraits
We have been talking about how everyone in our class likes different things and has different hobbies. We decided that being unique is wonderful! We made our very own self portraits using colouring pencils and fabric and fibre.
Taking turns
We have been practising our turn taking in first class. We have also been practising winning and losing by playing fun board games. Snakes and Ladders is our favourite!
Morning Fun
We have been doing morning activities every morning when we come into school. We have an activity rota and everyday we have a new activity. Lego is definitely one of our favourite activities!
Show and tell
We had Show and Tell in first class. We each brought in something special to share with the class. We did super listening to each other!
Halloween in First class
We had lots of halloween fun in our class. We made terrifying witches and vampires!